built in the early 17th century and rebuilt about one hundred years back (the castle, in case there's misunderstanding)
me, mum and cucu
Even the barcode on wrappers are cute :D
we read up-down, right row-left row...
To add to the last post, me and my friends went to a guitar/piano/flute/horn concert in town. Each was done by the year's music competition winners in a concerto format. So we got to listen to 5 different young musicians all show off.
The guitarist though, played something so radical I thought he was just tuning his guitar for a long time till he stood up and bowed.
The next piece he went berserk and started tickling the guitar, hitting it, switching hands and playing chords I never knew existed except when amateurs fiddle with guitars. And then 2 minutes later after mesmerizing us lot he stood up and bowed again.

The rest of the musicians though, had common sense and played normal music for us proletariats.

Today it is snowing like nobody's business.

this is when I went for some ramen noodles. the really cool woman who ran this place was gone and there were 3 newly hired people who were absolute ninevites. so my noodles weren't good. boohoo
the most expensive place in Japan (land price)