introducing the lotus root

great for stamps
Museums aren't free in Japan....which makes you think a lot before going to one...especially modern art which sometimes looks like someone's rubbish bin presented beautifully.

But me and mum went to one, and it turned out to be quite fun. Some stuff was incomprehensible (like paper and staples and steel wool drangling from the ceiling, another of dirty sheets stained dirtier). One I liked was this artist who got 5-7 year olds to draw crayon pictures, then he recreated them in real life and took pictures of them. Another was all these portraits of kids in oil paint. Hard to explain why it was fun but it was.

One thing I like about museums are their shops with fun and unnecessary gadgets. Like:
Rufus the wine bottle stopper
Books on alarming new inventions.
Tea bags that rock
Bags that try their hardest to look natural and cheap yet cost a lot
The sister on the right is Kozue-chan and I love her to bits. She used to teach me the piano, loves Jehovah and always was there for me whenever I needed someone to play badminton with. I used to sneak up to her and tackle her from behind (I was a bit lighter then). She would not retaliate.
Little of Japan is flat. That's probably why we are all huddled together in one tiny flat piece of land called Tokyo.
Advantage of this is that we can enjoy skiing!!!!!!!!
mummy also
Mum's study. 87 year old cute lover of green tea and sweets. With no children of her own she calls me her grandchild (and steals things off me for her keepsake, like a kikoi bag she now takes everywhere) I also gave her a kikoi kikoi she insists is the best and warmest.
Being very old and frail we do her housework and shopping. We also have to scream in her ear as she is very deaf. when we preach to her I bet her next door neighbor is getting a witness too.
we also had bagna càuda and chocolate fondue.
Black pepper - chocolate - toasted oranges were the best combination of the night. Close second was grilled leeks with cheese.

we used to have singles sisters worship night once a month (was surprised they still had it, we've probably been doing it for 5 years now) and it has been upgraded to worship and dinner night. They were going over ladies mentioned in the scriptures and this month it was the widow of Zarephath. Exciting lady she was.
this picture is from Benoit's instagram of yesterday

He and Kathy were out on errands in K/Koo when she spotted an arab on this scooter. So off they go and follow the guy, Kathy calls him a thief, they all go to a police station...
but all the papers were there and he walks away free.

(source: Liz H)

Cr! You've been on my scooter more than anybody else, spot the difference for a great prize.