And I bought some.... Ignoring mum saying "you said you were on a diet?"
Nori-chan (my ex-roomate) out preaching
No words needed
dad trying to open wine bottles but ending up breaking people's wine openers
Grès des Vosges. It smells awful but it tastes super nice and creamy and not imposing. Just stumbled upon it in a cheese shop and it was on sale. Try it!!! I am going to buy it again

This is from a bagel shop near my house I am friends with. (Friends with the owner, not the store building). They have around 20 types of bagel and its soooooooo good I bought 14 to eat for breakfast every day as muesli is SUPER expensive here.
Back row: Dad and Naho's husband Front row: RIka, moi, Rika's mum Photographer: Mum
ENOKI (the heads are squishy, great for hot-pot)
SHIMEJI (yes shimeji is a mushroom)
MAITAKE (great in pasta!!!)
ERINGI (I can eat this every day)