I think it was through Ai that I first got in touch with the Asajile family in Zanzibar, but they are a lovely family and we see each other every convention (until Bunju) and Zone Visit. Anyway this time I went to their little group they have near Bububu in the Spice Farms area.
Walking to the meeting. From left: Agatha, little Esther, Me, Kelsi, Jessica and Nikita (Kelsi's Saffa friends)
a kind truck driver gave us a lift halfway!
multitasking mother we met on our way
The "hall" was a room in a brother's house. The speaker for the day was not Kelsi...
The talk went nicely till it started raining like mad. The speaker had to wait for it to subside (which it didn't). So there was like this 30second rain-ceasefire where the speaker managed to summarize his talk in 2 sentences.
Then the rain went away and we all enjoyed the watchtower with all of us commenting in swahili (they even picked on me to read...maybe I was too quiet)
The second brother from the right, front row is the SP that Ben flung from his bike. He said it really hurt but now he is fine.

After that we all walked with banana-leaf umbrellas, had lunch with the Asajiles and went home!

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